
我珍藏的寶貝CD,Elton John { THE ONE }:1992年發行 / Made in Germany。這是幾年前在台中新光三越的二手CD堆中挖出來的,當時真有如獲至寶般的開心,Elton John一如往昔的英式搖滾華麗曲風,貫穿整張專輯,而專輯封面也走華麗貴族風格,讓人印象深刻 抒情慢歌韻味十足更是陶醉其中,12年前的專輯現在再翻出來聽依舊"好聽",真是過癮!

Elton John - The One

I saw you dancing out the ocean
Running fast along the sand
A spirit born of earth and water
Fire flying from your hands

In the instant that you love someone
In the second that the hammer hits
Reality runs up your spine
And the pieces finally fit

And all I ever needed was the one
Like freedom fields where wild horses run
When stars collide like you and I
No shadows block the sun
You're all I've ever needed
Baby you're the one

There are caravans we follow
Drunken nights in dark hotels
When chances breathe between the silence
Where sex and love no longer gel

For each man in his time is Cain
Until he walks along the beach
And sees his future in the water
A long lost heart within his reach

*Songs of the Album
1. Simple Life
2. The One
3. Sweat It Out
4. Runaway Train
5. Whitewash County
6. The North
7. When a Woman Doesn't Want You
8. Emily
9. On Dark Street
10. Understanding Women
11. The Last Song

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