《好餓的毛毛蟲》〈The very hungry caterpillar〉是一本很多人推薦的英文入門繪本,賓賓在圖書館DVD區看到毛毛蟲和紅蘋果故事DVD封面,就主動表示要借回來看,第一天他看就迷上,看了不下二十遍,每次看便哈哈大笑,故事述說一隻剛出生很餓的毛毛蟲,從週日不停吃到周六,最後作蛹化成美麗蝴蝶。
繪畫家Eric Carle的作品色彩鮮豔用色大膽,果然成功吸引小孩的目光,故事很簡單,卻令賓賓深深著迷,我打算再借Eric Carle幾本大書回來,建立他對英文繪本的喜愛,之前胡亂隨意借了一些繪本,他都不怎麼喜歡,看兩三眼就不翻。
1、《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》by Eric Carle
2、《Big Green Monster》by Ed Emberley
3、《I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly》by Pam Adams
4、《Froggy Gets Dressed》by Jonathan London
5、《Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See?》
6、《This is the Way We Go to School》
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a children's book written by Eric Carle, originally published in 1969. It is highly popular and has been praised for its use of easy-to-read words which makes it good for teaching young children to read. The story has been translated into over 50 languages and, as of 2005, a copy is sold roughly every 57 seconds. It was featured on Sesame Street in the early 1990s. It has also been adapted for video by The Walt Disney Company as part of an anthology including four more books by Carle. more...
(Original Article from Wikipedia)